ASEAN Articles
UKABC Chair, Lord Ed Vaizey, met with Mr Agusman, Member of the Board of Commissioners of Indonesia’s FSA (OJK) & Bernardino Vega, Vice Chair of Indonesia Chambers of Commerce and Industry (KADIN)
In the margins of the ASEAN Future of Fintech Forum in London, Lord Ed Vaizey, Chair UK-ASEAN Business Council (UKABC), Ian Gibbons, UKABC’s Chief Executive and Ben Raby, UKABC’s COO, held constructive and collaborative discussions with Mr Agusman, Member of the Board of Commissioners of Indonesia’s FSA (OJK) and Bernardino Vega, Vice Chair of the Indonesia Chambers of Commerce and Industry (KADIN).
Lord Ed Vaizey, Chair of the UK-ASEAN Business Council delivered a keynote speech at the ASEAN Future of Fintech Forum in London
The ASEAN Future of Fintech Forum co-hosted by KADIN Indonesia and the ASEAN Business Advisory Council, in collaboration with Equatorise, Indonesia’s FSA (OJK) and the UK Government and with support from the UK-ASEAN Business Council attracted an audience of over 100 business leaders.