Lord Ed Vaizey, Chair of the UK-ASEAN Business Council delivered a keynote speech at the ASEAN Future of Fintech Forum in London

The ASEAN Future of Fintech Forum co-hosted by KADIN Indonesia and the ASEAN Business Advisory Council, in collaboration with Equatorise, Indonesia’s FSA (OJK) and the UK Government and with support from the UK-ASEAN Business Council attracted an audience of over 100 business leaders.

As one of the keynote speakers at the ASEAN Future of Fintech Forum, Lord Vaizey stressed the leading role the UK can continue to play in supporting the development of ASEAN’s FinTech sector. Balancing regulation that protects the consumer with a regulatory environment that encourages and supports innovation is one of the key ingredients to continued growth. The UK-ASEAN Business Council (UKABC) is excited to be a partner to Indonesia and ASEAN on this journey and was delighted to support Bernardino Vega, ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC), Steven Marcelino, Managing Partner at Equatorise, Indonesia’s Ambassador to the UK, Desra Percaya, and Michael Mainelli, Lord Mayor of the City of London at this Forum.


UK-ASEAN Business Council Chair, Lord Ed Vaizey, held an excellent discussion with Hon. Gobind Singh Deo MP, Minister for Digital of Malaysia


Christabel Koh and Desmond Tan, IP Attachés for Southeast Asia and ASEAN