The Race to Rebalance - New ways to attract manufacturing talent in ASEAN
Zoom Webinar, 30 January 2024
The UK-ASEAN Business Council's webinar with PwC and Michael Page updated participants on the race to rebalance global supply chains and how businesses could respond to a turbulent operational environment, with a particular focus on securing vital resources and talent in a highly competitive market.
PwC's International Growth Practice global lead partner, David Wijeratne, shared his insights into this increasingly intensive race, and how businesses best differentiate themselves as they seek to establish new partnerships and talent pools. With ASEAN an important destination for global investment and resources, this is a key consideration for businesses with operations or interests in the region.
Paul Cooper, Malaysia-based Managing Director from Michael Page, took a closer look at the key human resource trends in ASEAN and shared his advice on winning strategies for recruitment and talent retention – including how businesses can bring new approaches to the communities in which they operate.
The webinar was Chaired by Andy Bentote, Page Group Regional Managing Director, Asia Pacific, and included the opportunity to ask questions.