UKABC CEO Ian Gibbons Meets with Singapore High Commissioner to Strengthen UK-ASEAN Ties

Ian Gibbons, the Chief Executive Officer of the UK-ASEAN Business Council (UKABC), recently met with His Excellency Mr Ng Teck Hean, the High Commissioner of Singapore to the United Kingdom. The meeting marked a significant step towards enhancing the bilateral relationship between the UK and ASEAN, with a particular focus on Singapore.

Reflecting on the meeting, Ian shared his thoughts on LinkedIn:

"I enjoyed spending time with His Excellency Teck Hean Ng, Singapore’s High Commissioner to the UK. Although we had met before at events, we had not had the chance for a formal discussion relating to the UK-ASEAN Business Council and how we worked with the High Commission across the bilateral landscape. The High Commissioner had seen the relationship UKABC has with other ASEAN countries and was keen that this included Singapore too. We do, of course, have an excellent relationship with the High Commission and its commercial partners. But collectively, we can do more. An early win could involve the ASEAN London Committee (ALC), of which the High Commissioner is currently Chair. To have more regular interaction would be welcomed by UKABC, and we stand ready to work in partnership to identify relevant joint activities. Separately, I invited the High Commissioner to address a future meeting of the UKABC Board, which he was keen to accept."

This meeting underscores the commitment of both UKABC and the Singapore High Commission to fostering stronger economic and commercial ties. With a focus on collaboration and joint initiatives, the future looks promising for UK-ASEAN relations.


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